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 Raul Seixas

The Great Pretender

Raul Seixas

Composição: Buck Ram

Oh! Yes, I'm the great pretender,
Pretending that I'm doing well
My need is such, I pretender too much
I'm lonely, but no one can tell

Oh! Yes, I'm the great pretender,
A drift in a world of my own
I play the game, but to my real shame
You've left me to dream all alone

I play the game, but to my real shame
You've left me to dream all alone
Too real is the feeling of make believe
Too real when I feel what my heart can't conceal

Oh! Yes, I'm the great pretender,
Just laughing and gay like a clown
I seem to be what I'm not,
You see, I'm wearing my heart like a crown

Pretending that you're still around
Too real is the feeling of make me believe
Too real when I feel what my heart can't conceal

Oh! Yes, I'm the great pretender,
Just laughing and gay like a clown
I seem to be what I'm not,
You see, I'm wearing my heart like a crown
Pretending that you're still around


Opine pela inteligência  ( "PLANTE UMA ÁRVORE NATIVA")





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